I've had a couple of 2 intensive classes of Luxury Brand Management at University, and I'm psyched about it, I had never in my life paid attention for 5 hours straight without bitching about it. The impression the professor has made so far is amazing, he has worked for great brands like Clarins, Chanel, Hermes among others and just in general he seems a very wise person in the field. I'm gonna try and cover different topics in different posts, cause I think the class is amazing.
The first thing that we have to understand about a luxury brand is that their products are not made to make money, but with the aim of creating the BEST product, the closest to perfection. You don't wanna target or segment a market, they will come to you because you have the best to offer, hence the importance of having a passion for what you do, this will lead you to have the best quality.
Anyways I'll be covering a lot of case studies further on. The thing is that I couldn't let the opportunity go by and I asked him about possible internships that I could get here in Paris, he gave me a brilliant but not likely -close to reality- idea. He told me that I should contact my country's national magazines and offer them my services to cover events here in Paris, with interviews, pictures, etc. That would be a great opportunity for a magazine to have inside information, since the professor is willing to show me the way into the main events, but at the same time, it seems logical to me that an important magazine won't lend it's name to a stranger that offers her services, they don't know me, so how is this gonna happen? anyways, he told me to wait for a week and then hopefully I will get a response.