
YOU've NeveR SeEn a PRETTy GIrl LOOk so TouGH

Bess collection autumn winter 2009
So before having a long day yesterday of going to school, dragging my parents to the red cross locations at 7 pm, and helping pack stuff that was sent to Haiti; I decided to take a rain check today, I was supposed to go to my music class in the morning, but instead I'm writing about combat boots (cause my friend, let's call her PC asked me to... btw those are her initials, not cause of my computer friend... since I have a Mac... bad joke).

She's had a pair of those since I met her in high school, and I've always liked them in her, but it wasn't until some time ago that I took my likeness to a higher level and started looking up some potential future prospects, in the pursuit of deciding if combat boots really go with me or is just another fierce hat that you like but wouldn't wear. SInce I've also been wanting to post some model street style here I go...

These are some I liked:

Dr. Martens

Not to mention models lov'em...

ROck & roll, Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's Karlie Kloss with Ali Stepehns http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f89/models-street-style-2-a-76026-18.html

bridget malcolm, the fashion spot, http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f89/models-street-style-2-a-76026-16.html

girly.. fashion spot http://forums.thefashionspot.com/f89/models-street-style-2-a-76026-141.html, anne gaby Odiele

Abbey Lee Kershaw http://www.modelinia.com/slideshows/fashion--models-off-duty/117#/2 I don't know how to describe it... with the little black dress that it seems she has under that rope I think they would look super duper cool.

Well, They are a very edgy cool piece of wardrobe, they are amazing for winter, they are very comfortable and they look amazing. I see them and I can't help but hear Prince's YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A PRETTY GIRL LOOK SO TOUGH.

What do you think about combat boots? High, short, heels combat boots?


Livin' ThE Dream

I was reading my friend's blog and then I got inspired and wanted you guys to know my plans. In about 5 months, me and my bff, (since she said it first, sue me too!), are planning on moving to fabulous Spain... of course, like you would expect all the excitement and happiness is making my stomach ache.

In the other hand I'm scared like hEll, like she mentioned before in her blog, we have not been well trained by our dear parents to live on our own... there's a bunch of thing we gotta learn before arriving to the world that's expecting us, like how to wash our clothes, or make food, or clean up the bathroom, or move around the city using the subway.. =) y
es yes if there's a word to describe us... I don't wanna say it. In addition to that, I get scared of just picturing myself studying at 4:00 am, cause yes, school over there is wa
y harder, but then another picture comes and cleans up the mess, like me walking in a beautiful european street on a saturday afternoon, or go to the theater, or even read a book in a "cafe", and of course very very occasionally go out clubbing, partying, etc... ;) Luckily for us, at least here we are straight As students.

We've been getting together the past weeks to decide which part of Spain would be the most adequate (party, dorms, people, transportation) for us. And what about the University prestige for example? who cares?!, google "top ten universities in Spain". But wait.. don't think we are so irresponsible.. we actually found out that one in our list made the top ten.

If you have had any experience like this I'd like to know how you went through all this.

Visit my bff's blog, I promise she's way funnier than me.


During Boring class

Well.. in my free time I like to draw and when I started getting in to the fashion industry I used to draw some of the outfits that I saw on the runway.. But with time I started to get a little more creative ...
I can't say that I'm very proud of this.. specially the colors, I just draw whatever came to mind, and I was more worried about getting the main idea and didn't pay any attention to ANYTHING... It kinda reminds me the kindergarden drawings... haha... anyway... comment..

ANd this other one has a better story, or probably sadder, =/ a friend of mine who's an architecture student, had an assignment about alice in wonderland and she had to prepare some of the outfits, at that moment I thought that me studying business was so boring... and in my economy's class I draw this:

I liked this one a lot more than the last one. I hope next time I can impress you guys by doing an actual good sketch =)

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