
20 different attributes : I'm only good at being young

I turned 20 two days ago, and I thought about a lot of things, my mom asked to herself.. where did the time go that I didn't notice? and it made me realize how fast everything goes by and sometimes we don't get to do and be everything we'd like to. So in the first minutes of my 20`s I wished to God to make me a better person and I promised myself to spend more time with family and friends and doing the things I love most: art, music, painting, creating.

If people get to fulfill themselves doing what they love, they see the world from a better perspective, so please try not to think about the things that bring you down, instead go out there and do things you love to do. Try to be better every day and if you don't have anything nice to say to other people then don't say anything.

btw, I've been spending a lot of time arranging outfits, and this is the one I just finished, not sure how the belt and the scarf got there but whatever... the application is really fun

I don't own the pic, it's from http://www.hm.com/us/fashion/fashionstudio__fashionstudio.nhtml
song of the day: Heart of life- John Mayer

12 comentarios:

  1. happy belated birthday!! i love what you wrote about the importance of taking the time to enjoy life. that is so true. :)

    this is a really cute outfit. my favorite part of it would have to be the blue dress. it gives a pop of color to the entire ensemble. nice job!


  2. holaa
    muy buen bloggggg
    te sigo va??
    las faldas son las 2 de stradivarius, weno menos mi cinturon todo es de stradi =)
    un besoo

  3. that's so true
    I think about that many times, time goes too fast and we don't notice it
    and I know I'm a bit late but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    marley mumbles

  4. I spent like 20 minutes arranging an outfit just to decide I didn’t like it and started all over again… Then, it reminded me too much of real life so I closed the whole thing.
    Good fun, though!

  5. I spent like 20 minutes arranging an outfit just to decide I didn’t like it and started all over again… Then, it reminded me too much of real life so I closed the whole thing.
    Good fun, though!

  6. Happy Birthday!
    and thanks for commenting!

  7. Wow this is an online app? Amazing. I am impressed. I love the outfit. And yeah, time flies! And it just goes faster.


  8. Props on the good attitude. I turned 20 two years ago and have been having a quarter-life crisis ever since


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